10#include "../../../tests/catch2/catch.hpp"
11#include "../../tests/testMacrosINDI.hpp"
13#include "../adcTracker.hpp"
adcTracker_test(const std::string device)
std::string m_configName
The name of the configuration file (minus .conf).
static int log(const typename logT::messageT &msg, logPrioT level=logPrio::LOG_DEFAULT)
Make a log entry.
pcf::IndiProperty m_indiP_teldata
#define XWCTEST_INDI_SET_CALLBACK(testclass, varname, device, propname)
Catch-2 tests for whether a SET callback properly validates the input property properly.
#define XWCTEST_INDI_NEW_CALLBACK(testclass, propname)
Catch-2 tests for whether a NEW callback properly validates the input property properly.
#define XWCTEST_SETUP_INDI_ARB_PROP(varname, device, propname)