Compute System
The MagAO-X computing system.
- Running MagAO-X from your own computer
- Python environments
- Telemetry and File Inventory Database
- System Maintenance & Administration
- Networking
- Data Storage Management
- Instrument computer setup guide
- Migrating data from an existing installation
- Installing MagAO-X on a Raspberry Pi
- SSL Certificates
- Network Attached Storage
- Instrument Virtual Private Network
Computer Architecture
The computers that run MagAO-X are:
The Instrument Control Computer (ICC)
The Real Time control Computer (RTC)
The Adaptive optics Operator Computer (AOC)
We use Rocky Linux 9 because it is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which our vendors sort-of support. However, Red Hat no longer supports the KDE graphical desktop environment we use, which leaves us in a bit of a pickle.
For consistency, we use Rocky Linux 9 with KDE on our operator workstation (AOC), and Rocky Linux 9 server on ICC and RTC, which are used headless.
Real Time Controller
Responsible for wavefront sensing and control, and directly connected to the HOWFS detector and deformable mirrors. The operation of the control loop depends on CACAO: Compute And Control for Adaptive Optics authored by Olivier Guyon and collaborators.
Instrument Control Computer
Responsible for functions that do not depend on strong realtime constraints, including LOWFS, configuring and reading out science cameras, etc.