11#include "../../libMagAOX/libMagAOX.hpp"
12#include "../../magaox_git_version.h"
153 config.add(
"temp.warning", argType::Required,
"Temperature at which to issue a warning. Default is 30.");
154 config.add(
"temp.alert", argType::Required,
"Temperature at which to issue an alert. Default is 35.");
155 config.add(
"temp.emergency", argType::Required,
"Temperature at which to issue an emergency. Default is 40.");
157 config.add(
"humid.warning", argType::Required,
"Humidity at which to issue a warning. Default is 18.");
158 config.add(
"humid.alert", argType::Required,
"Humidity at which to issue an alert. Default is 20.");
159 config.add(
"humid.emergency", argType::Required,
"Humidity at which to issue an emergency. Default is 22.");
194 indi::addNumberElement<float>(
"current", -20., 120., 0,
199 indi::addNumberElement<float>(
"current", 0., 100., 0,
236 pcf::IndiProperty::PropertyStateType
rhState = pcf::IndiProperty::Ok;
241 rhState = pcf::IndiProperty::Alert;
246 rhState = pcf::IndiProperty::Alert;
251 rhState = pcf::IndiProperty::Alert;
254 pcf::IndiProperty::PropertyStateType
tState = pcf::IndiProperty::Ok;
259 tState = pcf::IndiProperty::Alert;
264 tState = pcf::IndiProperty::Alert;
269 tState = pcf::IndiProperty::Alert;
310 std::stringstream
321 std::stringstream
328 elevatedPrivileges
337 std::stringstream
384 std::cout <<
m_temp <<
413 std::cout <<
m_rh <<
432 static float lastRH = -99;
The base-class for MagAO-X applications.
void updateIfChanged(pcf::IndiProperty &p, const std::string &el, const T &newVal, pcf::IndiProperty::PropertyStateType ipState=pcf::IndiProperty::Ok)
Update an INDI property element value if it has changed.
stateCodes::stateCodeT state()
Get the current state code.
int stateLogged()
Updates and returns the value of m_stateLogged. Will be 0 on first call after a state change,...
static int log(const typename logT::messageT &msg, logPrioT level=logPrio::LOG_DEFAULT)
Make a log entry.
int createROIndiNumber(pcf::IndiProperty &prop, const std::string &propName, const std::string &propLabel="", const std::string &propGroup="")
Create a ReadOnly INDI Number property.
int registerIndiPropertyReadOnly(pcf::IndiProperty &prop)
Register an INDI property which is read only.
std::mutex m_indiMutex
Mutex for locking INDI communications.
The MagAO-X RH-USB monitoring class.
float m_warnTemp
This is abnormally high if the system is working, but still safe.
virtual int appLogic()
Implementation of the FSM for rhusbMon.
int recordRH(bool force=false)
float m_emergTemp
Must shutdown immediately.
virtual int appStartup()
Startup function.
virtual void loadConfig()
virtual int appShutdown()
Shutdown the app.
int loadConfigImpl(mx::app::appConfigurator &_config)
Implementation of loadConfig logic, separated for testing.
int recordTelem(const telem_rhusb *)
int readProbe()
Read current values from the RH-USB probe.
friend class rhusbMon_test
float m_alertTemp
This is the actual limit, shut down should occur.
pcf::IndiProperty m_indiP_temp
pcf::IndiProperty m_indiP_rh
int connect()
Connect to the probe.
float m_warnHumid
This is abnormally high if the system is working, but still safe.
virtual void setupConfig()
~rhusbMon() noexcept
D'tor, declared and defined for noexcept.
float m_emergHumid
Must shutdown immediately.
float m_alertHumid
This is the actual limit, shut down should occur.
The device is operating, other than homing.
No device exists for the application to control.
The application has failed, should be used when m_shutdown is set for an error.
The application has encountered an error, from which it is recovering (with or without intervention)
The application has connected to the device or service.
The application is not connected to the device or service.
int ttyWriteRead(std::string &strRead, const std::string &strWrite, const std::string &eot, bool swallowEcho, int fd, int timeoutWrite, int timeoutRead)
Write to a tty on an open file descriptor, then get the result.
std::string ttyErrorString(int ec)
Get a text explanation of a TTY_E_ error code.
int parseH(float &humid, const std::string &str)
Parse the RH probe H humidity command.
int parseC(float &temp, const std::string &str)
Parse the RH probe C temp command.
std::unique_lock< std::mutex > lock(m_indiMutex)
static constexpr logPrioT LOG_WARNING
A condition has occurred which may become an error, but the process continues.
static constexpr logPrioT LOG_EMERGENCY
Normal operations of the entire system should be shut down immediately.
static constexpr logPrioT LOG_ALERT
This should only be used if some action is required by operators to keep the system safe.
Parsers for the MagAO-X RH USB monitor.
An input/output capable device.
unsigned m_writeTimeout
The write timeout [msec].
int loadConfig(mx::app::appConfigurator &config)
Load the device section from an application configurator.
int setupConfig(mx::app::appConfigurator &config)
Setup an application configurator for the device section.
unsigned m_readTimeout
The read timeout [msec].
A device base class which saves telemetry.
int loadConfig(appConfigurator &config)
Load the device section from an application configurator.
int setupConfig(appConfigurator &config)
Setup an application configurator for the device section.
int checkRecordTimes(const telT &tel, telTs... tels)
Check the time of the last record for each telemetry type and make an entry if needed.
Software CRITICAL log entry.
Log entry recording the build-time git state.
A USB device as a TTY device.
std::string m_deviceName
The device path name, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0.
int m_fileDescrip
The file descriptor.
int connect()
Connect to the device.
int getDeviceName()
Get the device name from udev using the vendor, product, and serial number.
std::string m_idProduct
The product id 4-digit code.
int setupConfig(mx::app::appConfigurator &config)
Setup an application configurator for the USB section.
std::string m_serial
The serial number.
int loadConfig(mx::app::appConfigurator &config)
Load the USB section from an application configurator.
std::string m_idVendor
The vendor id 4-digit code.