CadcTracker_test | |
►NaudibleAlerts | |
►Ncore | |
CAudibleAlerts | |
CAudibleAlertsConfig | |
Nopentts_bridge | |
►Npersonality | |
COperation | |
CPersonality | |
CReaction | |
CRecording | |
CSpeechRequest | |
CTransition | |
CcacaoInterface_test | |
►NCatch | |
►NDetail | |
CApprox | |
CEnumInfo | |
CIsStreamInsertable | |
►Ndetail | |
Cis_range_impl | |
Cis_range_impl< T, typename void_type< decltype(begin(std::declval< T >()))>::type > | |
Cvoid_type | |
►NGenerators | |
Npf | |
Cas | |
CChunkGenerator | |
CFilterGenerator | |
CFixedValuesGenerator | |
CGenerators | |
CGeneratorUntypedBase | |
CGeneratorWrapper | |
CIGenerator | |
CIteratorGenerator | |
CMapGenerator | |
CRandomFloatingGenerator | |
CRandomIntegerGenerator | |
CRangeGenerator | |
CRepeatGenerator | |
CSingleValueGenerator | |
CTakeGenerator | |
Nliterals | |
►NMatchers | |
►NException | |
CExceptionMessageMatcher | |
►NFloating | |
CWithinAbsMatcher | |
CWithinRelMatcher | |
CWithinUlpsMatcher | |
►NGeneric | |
NDetail | |
CPredicateMatcher | |
►NImpl | |
CMatchAllOf | |
CMatchAnyOf | |
CMatcherBase | |
CMatcherMethod | |
CMatcherUntypedBase | |
CMatchNotOf | |
►NStdString | |
CCasedString | |
CContainsMatcher | |
CEndsWithMatcher | |
CEqualsMatcher | |
CRegexMatcher | |
CStartsWithMatcher | |
CStringMatcherBase | |
►NVector | |
CApproxMatcher | |
CContainsElementMatcher | |
CContainsMatcher | |
CEqualsMatcher | |
CUnorderedEqualsMatcher | |
Calways_false | |
CAssertionHandler | |
CAssertionInfo | |
CAssertionReaction | |
CAutoReg | |
CBinaryExpr | |
CCapturer | |
CCaseSensitive | |
CCounts | |
CDecomposer | |
►CExceptionTranslatorRegistrar | |
CExceptionTranslator | |
CExprLhs | |
CGeneratorException | |
CIConfig | |
CIContext | |
CIExceptionTranslator | |
CIExceptionTranslatorRegistry | |
CIGeneratorTracker | |
CIMutableContext | |
CIMutableEnumValuesRegistry | |
CIMutableRegistryHub | |
CIRegistryHub | |
CIResultCapture | |
CIRunner | |
Cis_callable | |
Cis_callable< Fun(Args...)> | |
Cis_callable_tester | |
Cis_range | |
CIStream | |
CITestCaseRegistry | |
CITestInvoker | |
CITransientExpression | |
CLazyExpression | |
CMatchExpr | |
CMessageBuilder | |
CMessageInfo | |
CMessageStream | |
CNameAndTags | |
CNonCopyable | |
COption | |
Cpluralise | |
CRegistrarForTagAliases | |
CResultDisposition | |
CResultWas | |
CReusableStringStream | |
CRunTests | |
CScopedMessage | |
CSection | |
CSectionEndInfo | |
CSectionInfo | |
CShowDurations | |
CSimplePcg32 | |
CSourceLineInfo | |
CStreamEndStop | |
CStringMaker | |
CStringMaker< bool > | |
CStringMaker< Catch::Detail::Approx > | |
CStringMaker< char * > | |
CStringMaker< char > | |
CStringMaker< char const * > | |
CStringMaker< char[SZ]> | |
CStringMaker< double > | |
CStringMaker< float > | |
CStringMaker< int > | |
CStringMaker< long > | |
CStringMaker< long long > | |
CStringMaker< R C::* > | |
CStringMaker< R, typename std::enable_if< is_range< R >::value &&!::Catch::Detail::IsStreamInsertable< R >::value >::type > | |
CStringMaker< signed char > | |
CStringMaker< signed char[SZ]> | |
CStringMaker< std::nullptr_t > | |
CStringMaker< std::string > | |
CStringMaker< std::wstring > | |
CStringMaker< T * > | |
CStringMaker< T[SZ]> | |
CStringMaker< unsigned char > | |
CStringMaker< unsigned char[SZ]> | |
CStringMaker< unsigned int > | |
CStringMaker< unsigned long > | |
CStringMaker< unsigned long long > | |
CStringMaker< wchar_t * > | |
CStringMaker< wchar_t const * > | |
CStringRef | |
CTestCase | |
CTestCaseInfo | |
CTestFailureException | |
CTestInvokerAsMethod | |
CTimer | |
CTotals | |
Ctrue_given | |
CUnaryExpr | |
CUseColour | |
CWaitForKeypress | |
CWarnAbout | |
►NclosedLoopIndi_test | |
CclosedLoopIndi_test | |
►NcorAlign | |
CCameraConfig | |
CcorAlign | |
CCorAlignConfig | |
CStates | |
►NdbIngest | |
CdbIngest | |
CdbIngestConfig | |
CNewXFilesHandler | |
►NefcControl | |
CCameraConfig | |
CefcControl | |
CefcControlConfig | |
CStates | |
►Nflatlogs | |
NlogPrio | The log priority codes. These control if logs are stored on disk and how they are presented to users |
►ClogHeader | The log entry header |
Cinternal_logHeader | |
Cinternal_logHeader.__unnamed4__ | |
CtimespecX | A fixed-width timespec structure |
CkcubeCtrl_test | |
►NMagAOX | |
►Napp | |
►Ndev | |
CcameraConfig | A camera configuration |
Cdm | |
►CdmPokeWFS | A base class to coordinate poking a deformable mirror's actuators and synchronizedreads of a camera image |
CdarkShmimT | |
CwfsShmimT | |
CdssShutter | MagAO-X Uniblitz DSS Shutter interface |
CedtCamera | MagAO-X EDT framegrabber interface |
CframeGrabber | |
CioDevice | An input/output capable device |
►CoutletController | A generic outlet controller |
CchannelSpec | Structure containing the specification of one channel |
CshmimMonitor | |
CshmimT | |
►CstdCamera | MagAO-X standard camera interface |
Croi | |
CstdMotionStage | MagAO-X standard motion stage interface |
Ctelemeter | A device base class which saves telemetry |
Nindi | |
NRH | |
CacesxeCtrl | The MagAO-X xxxxxxxx |
CacronameUsbHub | |
CadcTracker | The MagAO-X ADC Tracker |
CalignLoop | The MagAO-X xxxxxxxx |
CalpaoCtrl | The MagAO-X ALPAO DM Controller |
CandorCtrl | |
CbaslerCtrl | |
CbmcCtrl | The MagAO-X BMC DM Controller |
CcacaoInterface | The MagAO-X CACAO Interface |
CcameraSim | |
CclosedLoopIndi | The MagAO-X application to do closed-loop control using INDI properties |
Cdark2ShmimT | |
CdarkShmimT | |
CdmMode | The MagAO-X DM mode commander |
CdmPokeCenter | The MagAO-X DM Pupil Centering Application |
CdmPokeXCorr | The MagAO-X DM to PWFS alignment Application |
CdmSpeckle | The MagAO-X DM mode commander |
CfilterWheelCtrl | |
CflipperCtrl | The MagAO-X xxxxxxxx |
CgainShmimT | |
ChoPredCtrl | |
ChsfwCtrl | |
CindiClient | Simple INDI Client class |
CindiDriver | |
►CindiTSAccumulator | The MagAO-X indiTSAccumulator |
Celement | |
Cproperty | |
CirisaoCtrl | The MagAO-X IrisAO DM Controller |
CkcubeCtrl | The MagAO-X K-Cube Controller |
CkoolanceCtrl | The MagAO-X Koolance Controller |
CkTracker | The MagAO-X ADC Tracker |
ClimitShmimT | |
►CMagAOXApp | The base-class for MagAO-X applications |
CelevatedPrivileges | Internal class to manage setuid privilege escalation with RAII |
CindiCallBack | Structure to hold the call-back details for handling INDI communications |
CmagAOXMaths | |
CmaskShmimT | |
CmodalPSDs | Class for application to calculate rolling PSDs of modal amplitudes |
CmultcoeffShmimT | |
CmzmqClient | MagAO-X application to control reading ImageStreamIO streams from a zeroMQ channel |
CmzmqServer | MagAO-X application to control writing ImageStreamIO streams to a zeroMQ channel |
CnnReconstructor | |
►CobserverCtrl | The MagAO-X Observer Controller |
Cobserver | |
Cocam2KCtrl | |
CocamTemps | Structure to hold the OCAM camera temperature readings returned by the device |
CopenLoopPSDs | Class for application to calculate rolling PSDs of modal amplitudes |
CphotonCounter | |
Cpi335Ctrl | The MagAO-X PI 335 Controller Interface |
CpicamCtrl | |
►CpicoMotorCtrl | |
CmotorChannel | |
CpsfAcq | The MagAO-X PSF Fitter |
CpsfFit | The MagAO-X PSF Fitter |
CpupilAlign | The MagAO-X Pyramid Pupil Fitter |
CpupilFit | The MagAO-X Pyramid Pupil Fitter |
CpupilFitter | Struct to perform centration and measure diameter of Pyramid pupils |
►CpvcamCtrl | The MagAO-X pvcam controller |
Cgain | |
Cport | |
Cspeed | |
CpwfsSlopeCalc | |
CqhyCtrl | |
CrefRMS | |
CrefShmimT | |
CrhusbMon | The MagAO-X RH-USB monitoring class |
CshmimIntegrator | |
CsiglentSDG | |
Csmc100ccCtrl | |
CsparkleClock | The MagAO-X DM mode commander |
CsshDigger | The MagAO-X SSH tunnel manager |
CsshTunnel | Structure to hold an sshTunnel specification, used for created command line args for indiserver |
CStar | |
CstateCodes | Scoping struct for application state codes |
CstateRuleEngine | The MagAO-X stateRuleEngine |
CstreamCircBuff | Class for application to keep a circular buffer of a stream and publish it to another stream |
CstreamWriter | |
CstreamWriter_test | |
CsysMonitor | |
Ct2wOffloader | |
CtcsInterface | The MagAO-X Clay Telescope TCS Interface |
►CtimeSeriesSimulator | The MagAO-X xxxxxxxx |
CMotionRequest | |
CtmcCon | Local derivation of tmcController to implement MagAO-X logging |
CtrippLitePDU | MagAO-X application to control a Tripp Lite power distribution unit (PDU) |
CttmModulator | |
►CusbtempMon | The MagAO-X xxxxxxxx |
Cprobe | |
CuserGainCtrl | |
Cw2tcsOffloader | |
Cxindiserver | |
Cxindiserver_test | |
Cxt1121Ctrl | |
Cxt1121DCDU | MagAO-X application to control D.C. distribution via an xt1121 DIO unit |
CzaberCtrl | The MagAO-X Zaber Stage Controller |
CzaberLowLevel | |
CzaberStage | A class to manage the details of one stage in a Zaber system |
CzrespShmimT | |
CzylaCtrl | |
►Nlogger | |
CcompLogFileName | Sort predicate for logFileNames |
►Cconfig_log | Log entry recording configuration settings at startup |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
Cempty_log | Base class for logs consisting of an empty message |
CemptyMessage | Empty type for resolving logs with no message |
CfbMessage | Message type for resolving log messages with a f.b. builder |
Cflatbuffer_log | Base class for logs consisting of a flatbuffer message |
►Cgit_state | Log entry recording the build-time git state |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
Cindidriver_start | INDI Driver Start log entry |
Cindidriver_stop | INDI Driver Start log entry |
ClogFileName | Organize and analyze the name of a log or telemetry file |
ClogFileRaw | A class to manage raw binary log files |
ClogInMemory | Structure to hold a log file in memory, tracking when a new file needs to be opened |
ClogManager | The standard MagAOX log manager, used for both process logs and telemetry streams |
ClogMap | Map of log entries by application name, mapping both to files and to loaded buffers |
ClogMeta | Manage meta data for a log entry |
ClogMetaDetail | |
ClogMetaSpec | |
Cloop_closed | Loop Closed event log |
Cloop_open | Loop Open event log |
Cloop_paused | Loop Paused event log |
►Cobserver | Log entry recording the observer |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Cocam_temps | Log entry recording the build-time git state |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Coutlet_channel_state | Application State Change |
CmessageT | The type of the message |
►Coutlet_state | Application State Change |
CmessageT | The type of the message |
►Cpico_channel | Application State Change |
CmessageT | The type of the message |
Csaving_start | Saving started log |
►Csaving_state_change | Saving State Change |
CmessageT | The type of the message |
Csaving_stop | Saving started log |
Csoftware_alert | Software ALERT log entry |
Csoftware_critical | Software CRITICAL log entry |
Csoftware_debug | Software DEBUG log entry |
Csoftware_debug2 | Software DEBUG2 log entry |
Csoftware_emergency | Software EMERGENCY log entry |
Csoftware_error | Software ERR log entry |
Csoftware_info | Software INFO log entry |
►Csoftware_log | Base class for software logs |
CmessageT | The type of the message |
Csoftware_notice | Software NOTICE log entry |
Csoftware_warning | Software WARN log entry |
►Cstate_change | Application State Change |
CmessageT | The type of the message |
►Cstring_log | Base class for logs consisting of a string message |
CmessageT | The type of the message |
►Ctelem_blockgains | Log entry recording electronics rack temperature |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_chrony_stats | Log entry recording the statistics from chrony |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_chrony_status | Log entry recording the status of chrony |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_cooler | Log entry recording the build-time git state |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_coreloads | Log entry recording CPU loads |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_coretemps | Log entry recording CPU temperatures |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_dmmodes | Log entry recording DM Mode Amplitudes |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_dmspeck | Log entry recording stdMotionStage status |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_drivetemps | Log entry recording hdd temperatures |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_fgtimings | Log entry recording framegrabber timings |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_fxngen | Log entry recording the function generator parameters |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_loopgain | Log entry recording the build-time git state |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_observer | Log entry recording the build-time git state |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_pi335 | Log entry recording the build-time git state |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_pico | Log entry recording CPU temperatures |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_pokecenter | Log entry recording DM poke centering results |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_pokeloop | Log entry recording DM poke centering results |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_position | Log entry recording position stage specific status |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_rhusb | Log entry recording the build-time git state |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_saving | Log entry recording data saving statistics |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
Ctelem_saving_state | Saving started log |
►Ctelem_sparkleclock | Log entry recording sparkle clock status |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_stage | Log entry recording stdMotionStage status |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_stdcam | Log entry recording stdcam stage specific status |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_telcat | Log entry recording the build-time git state |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_teldata | Log entry recording the build-time git state |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_telenv | Log entry recording the build-time git state |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_telpos | Log entry recording the build-time git state |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_telsee | Log entry recording the build-time git state |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_telvane | Log entry recording the build-time git state |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_temps | Log entry recording electronics rack temperature |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_usage | Log entry recording hdd temperatures |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Ctelem_zaber | Log entry recording zaber stage specific status |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
Ctext_log | A simple text log, a string-type log |
►Cttmmod_params | Log entry recording the build-time git state |
CmessageT | The type of the input message |
►Cuser_log | User entered log |
CmessageT | The type of the message |
Nsys | |
►Ntty | |
CnetSerial | Manage a connectio to a serial device over a network |
CtelnetConn | A Telnet connection manager, wrapping libtelnet |
CusbDevice | A USB device as a TTY device |
►Nutils | |
CH5AttributeT | |
CH5DatasetT | |
CH5DataspaceT | |
CH5FileT | |
CH5Handle | A somewhat smart HDF5 handle |
CH5PropertyT | |
►NMagAOXApp_tests | |
CMagAOXApp_test | |
Nmpl_ | |
NocamUtils_test | |
►NoutletController_tests | |
CoutletControllerTest | |
►NpythonIndiExample | |
CExampleConfig | |
CpythonIndiExample | |
NrhusbMonParsers_test | |
CsiglentSDG_test | |
CcameraSim_test | |
CobserverCtrl_test | |
Csmc100ccCtrl_test | |
CuserGainCtrl_test | |
CsysMonitor_test | |
CtcsInterface_test | |
Ntemplate_test | |
NthSetuid_test | |
NttyIOUtils_test | |
Nutils | |
►NvisxCtrl | |
►Nlibqhy | |
CERR | |
►Nqhyccd | |
CQHYCCDCamera | |
►Nxapp | |
CVisX | |
CVisXConfig | |
NxtChannels_test | |
NzaberStage_test | |
NzaberUtils_test | |
CzaberCtrl_test | |
CzaberLowLevel_test |